Enterprise Fluid Jet Mill Fluid Jet Mill Fluid Jet Mill Fluid Jet Mill Fluid Jet Mill
Entry level "Easy Micronization"
J-20 Modular laboratory system
Additive manufacturing
Sterile micronization process
"Tecnologia Meccanica" moved into the wider "Tecnologia", since the word meccanica (mechanical) is surpassed by the present company global activity. Despite our small local dimensions we found us competing in many different technological sectors reserved to the big technological players.

With the Micronization Technology spin-off, many technologies have been studied & incorporated in the company know how, these technologies are offered in Open Source as technology transfer to everyone, because we believe that the Future as well the Present is in the complete and free information sharing.

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Fluid Jet Mill plant with pgcs, modular execution. The Process Gas Conditioning is a System designed for introducing metered moisture or organic solvent into the process gas stream to suit the products requirements.

It is particularly indicated if the source is dry nitrogen, more than the 90% of the process gas can be conditioned.

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Laboratory line for R&D, unlimited configurations. These fluid jet micronizers share the 70% of the components and can dock 4 different milling chambers.

Micro twin screw feeder as well compact micro devices are available in order to process API, HPAIs or NCE.

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MOSCAB's manufacturing and the endorsment to the project B.I.G. Bubble International Geyser.
Micronization with conditioned process gas, design for introducing metered moisture into the process gas stream.
Spare parts printed locally with 3D printing technology at customer premises.

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Design for the coral reefs restoration,  based on net frames & opportunity corals.

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Experimental technology for Posidonia Oceanica planting.

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<font color="#FF0000" size="3"><img align=top src="grafica\tlogo.gif" width="42" height="42"></font> <font color="#000000" size="5" face="Arial"><strong>TECNOLOGIA MECCANICA Srl </strong></font><br> <font color="#000000" size="2"> MICRONIZZATORE - Macchine e Impianti per le Industrie Chimiche, Farmaceutiche e Alimentari </font><br> <font color="#000000" size="2"> FLUID JET MILL MICRONIZER - Machines and Plants for Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Industries </font><p> <br> <p></p> <a href="proces/JetIt.html">MICRONIZZATORE - PREMERE QUI</a> per accedere al nostro Micronizzatore.</strong></font><br> <p></p> <a href="proces/JetEn.html">FLUID JET MILL MICRONIZER - PUSH HERE</a> in order to see our Fluid Jet Mill Micronizer.</strong></font><br> <br> <p></p> 1.0 Purpose and scope This technical paper has been issued with the purpose of clearing up some of the confusion which surrounds the micronization world. In fact often we find a lot of misunderstanding and mistakes around the micronization process in our daily job with new or prospective customers. This situation has to be laid to the fact that the application of this technology to pharmaceutical process is extremely new and different from the past micronization of chemicals powder bulks. The common mistake is to confuse a chemical micronizer with a pharmaceutical one, these two equipments are completely different because the processes, that they will carry out, are completely different, so the process work of a chemical micronizer isn’t suitable for a pharmaceutical product or where extremely fine and narrow particle size distribution are required. For this reason we tried in the section number 2.0 of this document to outline the main principles which distinguish a high-tech pharmaceutical jet mill (the name with which are commonly known the pharmaceutical micronizers). Afterwards, in the 3.0 section, we deal with the main pharmaceutical drugs requirements that makes the micronization process the right and the only solution, these new frontiers are the basic principles which push the jet mill technology to continue renewal and development. Last, again we recommend not to confuse a chemical micronizer with a pharmaceutical one, we have experimented that all your process problems comes from the use of a chemical micronizer mirror polished used in a pharma environment, a pharmaceutical micronizer isn’t a chemical micronizer with mirror polishing, it is really another kind of technology, extremely sophisticated and with working in progress day by day. 2.0 The operating principle of Jetmill * [Introduction] MICRONIZERS or jet mills that were designed in the early 60’s were huge in size. The Production models of today say, of 200mm chamber was considered a lab version then. These old MICRONIZERS were capable of achieving sizes up to around 20 microns with extremely wide particle size distribution Gauss curve. When the pharmaceutical industries started putting attention on ‘increased active surface area’ for the pharmaceutical actives, it became necessary to improve the performance of jet mills which necessarily involved re-defining the internal geometry to achieve a perfect spiral that will induce more collisions * [Areas that were re-defined] • The chamber design • Pressures for process gas • Product feed • Product collection to suit pharma execution • Different material of construction to satisfy market requirements • CIP/SIP systems to be provided if necessary • Possibility to include explosion proof options • Total automation of the control system Our spiral jet milling uses process GAS to induce collisions. Thus our Jet Milling Technique can be called as “GAS JET MILLING” * [Gas jet milling technology] Powder has to be feed into a flat cylindrical working chamber, it is injected through a venturi system in tangential pressurized air or nitrogen vector. Particles are boosted up inside the working chamber by a number of nozzles set in the periphery of milling chamber. In this way the collision of the particles generates smaller size particles and the centrifugal force inside the mill combined with the different particles sizes makes the classification of the product into the required granulometry. * [Our micronization technology] Our spiral fluid jet MICRONIZER comprises of a flat cylindrical grinding chamber, an injector and connections for a product feed chute and an air injector. The air injector accelerates the product through the main injector nozzle and into the cylindrical grinding chamber. Once inside the grinding chamber the particles are then subjected to a combination of forces. The free vortex created by the nozzle angle and the jet stream exerts a centrifugal force on the particles and the gas flow through the MICRONIZER creates an opposing drag force. Larger particles of greater mass are forced towards the outside of the grinding chamber, whilst the finer particles migrate towards the outlet port and eventually into the product collector. It is the particle to particle collisions created within the MICRONIZER that cause the majority of the size reduction. <br> <p></p> <font color="#800000" size="3"><strong>Benvenuto in Tecnologia Meccanica, <br> purtroppo il tuo Browser non supporta i frames e quindi devi <a href="HomeIt.html">PREMERE QUI</a> per accedere alla versione del nostro sito web senza frames.</strong></font><br> <p></p> <font color="#800000" size="3"><strong>Welcome in Tecnologia Meccanica, <br> unfortunately your Browser doesn't support frames and so please <a href="HomeEn.html">PUSH HERE</a> in order to see our web site version without frames.</strong></font><br> </BODY> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> preview="micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore micronizzatore 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